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Models / Linus Gray
👍 54

Linus Gray Vital Stats:
Height:  5'8"
Astrological Sign:  Libra
Birthday:  October 14th
Eye Color:  Blue
Body Type:  Defined
Role:  Versatile
Cock Size:  6"
Cock:  Uncut
Favorite Foods:  Vegan, Nachos, Burritos, Tikka Masala
Favorite Movie:  Phoenix by Christian Petzold
Favorite City to Visit:  Berlin and Paris
Hobbies:  Reading and Writing
What I Like Most:  To be in the company of my best friends and the quiet!
What I Don't Like:  Dishonesty, drama, and unkindness
Best Thing About Me:  I am honest, kind and a good listener
Worst Thing About Me:  My extreme introversion
How To Make Me Happy:  Art
Favorite Quote:  “I had three chairs in my house; one for solitude, two for friendship, three for society.” ― Henry David Thoreau, Walden
Hair Color:  Brunette

Linus Gray Updates

The 4 Doors, Part 4 - Submission
Linus Gray , Thyle Knoxx
29 Photos, 27 min of video
👍 13
The Masqulin Project: Linus Gray
Ace Quinn , Linus Gray
35 Photos, 29 min of video
👍 12
I’m trying to find Linus Gray’s twitter account...I’ve been on it before, but can’t find it anymore. Anyone have any ideas? I think he’s so beautiful and talented and just wanna follow his twitter.