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Models / Kylian Dall
👍 1

Kylian Dall Vital Stats:
Height:  5'7"
Role:  Total Top
Cock Size:  8"
Cock:  Uncut

Kylian Dall is a bartender in one of the city's popular hangouts. This dark-hair hot stud, is of mixed Irish and French Canadian descent. He carried a beautifully chiseled body with nice defined abs and buff chest. His abdominal and back tattoos have a lot of significance for him shedding light into his personality. He explains their meaning in the interview. At 5'7", he weighs a well-balanced 150 lbs, of muscle and carries a nice uncut cock coming in at almost 8 inches long when bone hard. He's a very casual and reserved guy with a bit of a wry sense of humor.
Kylian Dall Updates

Kylian Dall: Pleasing The Audience
Kylian Dall
15 Photos, 20 min of video
👍 2